Why buy a lightning arrester?
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Why buy a lightning arrester?

Views: 41     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-02-24      Origin: Site


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What are the functions and uses of the lightning arrester? When do we need a surge arrester? Where should the arrester be installed for better results?

  • What is the reason for installing a lightning arrester?

  • Where should the arrester be installed?

  • How to eliminate the cause of arrester failure?

What is the reason for installing a lightning arrester?

1. The main purpose of a lightning arrester is to prevent damage caused by lightning strikes. The main function of the surge arrester is to transfer the charge from the high voltage wire to the ground. Other features include protection against damage to the electrical system and protection against excessive heating caused by discharge.

2. arresters also prevent current from flowing into the air, where high voltage charges can cause fires or explosions. In addition to property damage, lightning arresters were installed to save lives. Most public buildings, such as schools, churches, hospitals, airports and other buildings, are required by law to install lightning arresters to prevent the massive loss of life caused by the occurrence of lightning.

Where should the arrester be installed?

1. The best place to install a lightning arrester is at the highest point of the building. However, it doesn't always fit on the roof. In this case, you can mount it in the attic, on the side walls of the structure, or on poles. But make sure the arrester is as close to the ground as possible so that the charge can easily flow to the ground.

2. If the arrester is installed in the attic, it is important to ensure that the attic is well insulated so that high voltage charges are not transferred to the insulation. This could lead to

How to eliminate the cause of arrester failure?

1. Short-circuit connection: The surge arrester is usually connected to the arrester by copper clips or other means. If the copper clip or other connection part is damaged, it may cause the arrester to fail.

2. Insulation failure: arresters are usually made of rubber. Because of the low resistance of rubber, it is not enough to prevent lightning strikes. Over time, the rubber inside the arrester deteriorates and deteriorates even more until it eventually fails.

3. Air gap loss: When lightning strikes an object, it creates a plasma ball that can travel several meters away from the point of impact. During this process, what is known as an air gap is created between the object and the ground, which can be as large as several meters depending on the impact site.

If you are looking for a good quality and reasonable price of lightning arrester,Haivo Electrical Co.,Ltd can  provide you with the best.

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